Last Valiant Guild War System System


【Basic Info】

  • Guild War is the PvP battles between Guilds. 

  • Guild War will only be available when you joined a Guild. 

  • Guild War Score and ranking will be calculated and reset every Monday from 7:00 to 9:00 am (GMT+8) and give rewards accordingly.  

【How to Declare a War】

  • Only the Guild Leader and Captain can declare the war spending "Guild War Banner". "Guild War Banner" replenishes every 8 hours. 

  • Besides the calculation hours, a Guild can declare a war anytime as long as there's enough Guild War Banner.

  • If there's an ongoing Guild war, a Guild needs to conclude it first before declaring another one. 


  • Each Guild has Four Forts and One Guild Castle. Each Guild member is free to pick a defense spot as long as there's still space available. 

    • Guild Castle Defense Unit: 15 members

    • Fort Defense Unit: 8 members

  • Guild Leader/Captain can decide the Boost from each Fort. The Boost will be disappeared when all members in the Fort are defeated. 

  • Defense Team can be edited in the Camp. Guild War requires three sets of Team builds for Defense. 

  • The Defense setting will be effective in the next Guild War. 


  • When there's a Guild War ongoing, there will be a tip message "Guild War In Progress" popped up on the game lobby. 

  • Each member has two Attempts. 

  • Guild War requires three sets of Team builds for Attack against your opponent's Defense Team. 

  • Winning each round will take down 1 star from your opponent. 

    • If there's star left after the attempt, the opponent stays and can be challenged again. 

    • If there's no star left after the attempt, the opponent will be taken as defeated. 

  • The whole battle process will be performed in Auto mode. Please make sure you have a skill script set as needed. 

【Guild War Result】

  • Guild Leader/Captains are able to conclude the Battle at any point during the Guild War. 

    • If all opponents in the Guild Castle are defeated (No stars left): Won the Battle

    • If not all opponents in the Guild Castle are defeated (There's star left): Lost the Battle

  • Score Calculation:  

    • Collecting Stars:  

      • Each star you collect will transfer to the attack progress %. 

      • Attack Progress % x 100 will be the actual points you get from the stars when the battle is concluded. 

        • For example: Attack Progress 49%: Points gained by stars = 49% x 100 = 49 points. 

        • In other words, Collecting all stars from the Guild War will give you 100 points. 

      • Defeat all available stars in the will receive 100 points 

    • Defeated all opponents in each Fort: Extra 50 points

    • Defeated all opponents in the Guild Castle: Extra 300 points

    • Note: The highest score you can get from the Guild War battle is 600 points. 

  • Guild War Score Result: 

    • Winning the battle: Our Guild gets the total scores we gained from the battle, the opponent will deduct 20% of our winning score. 

      • For example, Our Guild gets +100 points from the battle, the opponent will -20 points from their Guild score. 

    • Losing the battle: Our Guild gets the total scores we gain from the battle, the opponent will get +20% of our total score.  

      • For example, Our Guild gets +50 points from the battle,, the opponent will get +10 points to their Guild Score. 